QR Code Stickers
Many websites offer services that allow users to have quick response codes printed on any object they desire. This is a great option for businesses that wish to offer technologically friendly coffee mugs or t-shirts, though for the rest of us, this could be an expensive approach to take just to share a personal quick response code. To avoid the need to pay for a pricey printing service, a quick response code can be printed from home and easily applied to any object. In order to do this, QR code stickers must be created. This sounds complicated but in fact, it is a very simple process and many people already have experience with similar tasks.
To create a QR code sticker, the following steps must be taken:
- Gather the information you wish to share through a QR code.
- Enter the information into the correct forms on a quick response code generator and create the QR code.
- Test the QR code by scanning it to ensure that the information is correct and the QR code works.
- Save the QR code image as a .jpg or .png file format.
- Purchase printer paper with a sticky adhesive on the back.
- Insert printer paper into printer, according to directions on packaging.
- Open the QR code image file.
- Print the file onto sticky adhesive paper.
- Cut sticky QR code image down to size.
- Peel off backing of adhesive paper and place QR code stickers on any object!
This is the most inexpensive method of adding QR code images to objects. This process will work with just about any object a person may wish to add a QR code sticker to.