Mobile QR Codes
The use of mobile barcodes is quickly becoming the most popular form of barcode use. QR code readers are the easiest and most convenient way to view quick response codes and are usually read by cell phone QR code readers. Most smartphones come equipped with a smartphone QR code reader, software or application. If the smartphone does not come equipped with the proper equipment to automatically scan a QR code, by chance, a QR code reader app can be downloaded and installed within a few short minutes. There are a wide variety of free QR code reader apps or QR code scanners available for just about every type of smartphone in existence. For iphones and Blackberry smartphones, the app stores that come along with the service, offer these readers for a low price, or even for free depending on the type of cell phone QR code reader the user wishes to download. More advanced scanners and readers may come with a price, though none of them are very expensive. For Andriod phones, generally, the Andriod platform comes along with a pre-installed QR code reader and scanner. If the specific model you own does not have this feature, there are also QR code reader apps for Andriods as well and they are usually free to download. Once the QR code scanner app is activated and ready to go, all that is required to view a QR code is for the user to take a photo of the QR code. Taking a photo acts as scanner for the QR code, after it is scanned, the data the code contains will automatically be displayed on the smartphone for the user to view. Often times this will make a website, phone number or e-mail address appear. Any QR code can be scanned with a smartphone regardless of where it is located.